Dienstag, 6. Januar 2009

Thanks for your support in 2008!

The best wishes for 2009!

Thank you all for reading, joining, and clicking not only my ads! Our targets for 2009 are more visits, more refs and even more money.

Some changes are new in 2009. I am leader of the marketing for NRW-Haber a magazine for imigrants from turk, sure İ do not understand the language, but its my job to sell ads to german companies. If you are interested in news follow the following link : ahaber

Now, please read my blog and join where ever you want!

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Kaufmann für Dialogmarketing, Fachkraft für Rechnungswesen mit Jahresabschluss in Datev und KHK. Selbständig, Jahrgang 1978, meet me on facebook...